Sonova Stories

Amanda in her classroom


“I want to blaze a trail”

Losing her hearing in her early 20s proved to be the beginning of a life-changing journey for educator and advocate Amanda Storkey, who wears hearing aids from Sonova’s Unitron brand. Hearing loss has not limited Amanda — in fact… Read more

Charles Owens Sonova ambassador


New hearing aids for jazz legend Charles Owens

Lively melodies fill the light and airy premises of Sonova brand Connect Hearing’s audiological store in Los Angeles, as jazz improvisation morphs into playful variations on a Nat King Cole classic. All played live on the soprano… Read more

Swiss International Hearing Academy


Training the next generation of audiologists

The Swiss International Hearing Academy (SIHA), a Sonova Group initiative, runs a pioneering blended learning program in audiology for aspiring hearing care professionals. Its integrated approach combines the advantages of face… Read more