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Intellectual Property Rights


Phonak Audéo M, P, LU.S. Pat. Nos. 7212643, 8306234, 8396234, 8477975, 9456286, 9763017, 1088066, 1120649
(firmware or higher)
Phonak Bolero MU.S. Pat. Nos. 7212643, 8396234, 8477975, 9456286, 1088066, 1120649
Phonak Naida M, PU.S. Pat. Nos. 7212643, 8396234, 8477975, 9456286, 1088066, 1120649
Phonak Nathos Auto MU.S. Pat. Nos. 8477975, 8582793
Phonak Sky MU.S. Pat. Nos. 7212643, 8396234, 8477975, 8582793, 9456286, 1088066, 1120649
Phonak VirtoU.S. Pat. Nos. 7387187, 7394909, 7596237, 7757400
Phonak Virto M-312U.S. Pat. Nos. 1088066, 1120649
Phonak CROSU.S. Pat. No. 8477975
Phonak ComPilot IIU.S. Pat. No. 8073171
Phonak TVLink II basestationU.S. Pat. No. 8073171
Phonak TV ConnectorU.S. Pat. No. 8073171
Phonak Charger CaseU.S. Pat. No. 10587965
Phonak Roger TransmittersU.S. Pat. No. 9137613, 9769576
Phonak Roger WallPilotU.S. Pat. No. 7738665
LyricU.S. Pat. Nos. 7298857, 7477753, 7551747, 8184842, 8457336, 8682016, 8761423, 8808906, 9456285, 9604325, 8682016
Legacy products: Phonak Audéo M (firmware or lower), Unitron Moxi D, Unitron Stride D, Hansaton sound XCU.S. Pat. No. 8660055

Notice to User: This list associates products and intellectual properties and is posted on the Internet to provide notice to the public of the intellectual properties listed. There is no charge for accessing this publicly available information. This list is provided in compliance with the virtual patent marking provisions of 35 USC 287. The patent process is dynamic and the content of this list and association between products and intellectual properties may change due to events including, but not limited to: filing, publication, issuance, licensing, product changes, expiration, abandonment, and other circumstances. The content of this list is updated from time to time but may not be up to date at the specific time you visit this link. Patents may have issued in the United States and elsewhere which are not identified on this list. This list may be unavailable from time to time without notice as part of maintenance or an unintended outage. Efforts will be made to maintain this link page active. This list might not be all inclusive and other products not listed here may be associated with one or more intellectual properties in the United States or elsewhere. Absence of any intellectual property from this list does not prevent enforcing any and all legal rights associated with the intellectual property.