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28/03/2008 | 07:00 CET | Disclosure of shareholdings

Disclosure of Shareholdings

Credit Suisse Group holds more than 3% of Sonova Holding AG

According to the article 20 of the Swiss Stock Exchange Act, Sonova Holding AG announces, that Credit Suisse Group, Paradeplatz 8, 8070 Zurich, Switzerland,1

holds as of March 18, 2008 due to an acquisition:

The following purchase positions, which in total correspond to 2,178,329 voting rights or 3.245% of capital and voting rights:

  • 432,911 registered shares with a par value of CHF 0.05.
    This corresponds to 0.645% of total capital and voting rights.
  • 1,779,759 share purchase rights.
    This corresponds to 1,087,807 voting rights or 1.621% of capital and voting rights.2
  • 657,611 granted share sale rights.
    This corresponds to 0.980% of total capital and voting rights.2

The following sale positions, which in total correspond to 591,843 voting rights or 0.882% of capital and voting rights:

  • 48,130 share sale rights.
    This corresponds to 150,540 voting rights or 0.224% of capital and voting rights.2
  • 10,829,409 granted share purchase rights.

    This corresponds to 441,303 voting rights or 0.657% of capital and voting rights.

Contact person at Credit Suisse Group: Nadja Raich, Credit Suisse, Compliance Shared Services / Control Room YCHC 4, Uetlibergstrasse 231, P.O. Box 3, 8070 Zurich, Switzerland, Phone: +41 44 334 79 48, Fax: +41 44 333 94 54.

1 Credit Suisse Group indirectly through its subsidiaries Clariden Leu Holding AG, Bahnhofstrasse 3, 8001 Zurich, Switzerland (indirectly through Clariden Leu AG, Bahnhofstrasse 32, 8001 Zurich, Switzerland), and Credit Suisse, Paradeplatz 8, 8070 Zurich, Switzerland, directly and indirectly through its subsidiaries Credit Suisse International, One Cabot Square, Canary Wharf, London, E14 4QJ, England, and Credit Suisse Life & Pensions AG, Mühleholz 3, 9490 Liechtenstein, and Credit Suisse Life (Bermuda) Ltd., Argyle House, 41 A, Cedar Avenue, Hamilton HM 12, Bermuda, and Credit Suisse (International) Holding AG, Banhnhofstrasse 17, 6300 Zug, Switzerland (indirectly through Credit Suisse Investments (UK), One Cabot Square, London, E14 4QJ, England, indirectly through Credit Suisse Investment Holdings (UK), One Cabot Square, London, E14 4QJ, England, indirectly through Credit Suisse Securities (Europe) Limited, One Cabot Square, London, E14 4QJ, England).


2 For detailed information, please see section “Detailed information” in the attached PDF.